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About Me


Well... I am 23 years of age. I am wierd and crazy. I represent the s8e crew if you didn't know now you do. I lived in Idaho for like 10 years and now I'm in the beautiful bug and douche filled Florida. I stay in the ghetto Crime Hills. Word. Oh my name is Shaniqua. Now you know.

I hate girls...most of them, even though I'm one, but they are just stupid and two faced ALL OF THEM! Except me of course...I'm straight up with people! The way I see it the more people who hate me the less I have to please! Some girls are cool though I'll admit, but besides the few very all of my friends are guys...

Well lets go back in time, my history HAHAHA!: I was born in Prince Frederick Maryland (Represent East Coast! Holla!) on November 8 1987 (BUY ME A PRESENT!) and when I was 12 I moved to Idaho Falls (that's in Idaho) and lived there till now! I liked Idaho, most of the time, it isn't as bad as everyone thinks and we aren't into POTATOES!!! People always think that but it's not really that big of a thing, I mean yeah we grow potatoes on  farms here but we grow other things too and your state probably grows them too! We aren't the only ones!!! But anyways... 

Just being my gangsta self

What a life!

Basically I like to get on the internet a lot and take pictures and listen to music and sometimes my friends hahahahahaha! I'm crazy and I like to be mean but I love everybody! It's weird. LOL! I like to write funny stories and just be funny and have fun! I love tacos and so do you and if not then well I hate you. Just kidding, kinda. I like food. Uh I like to laugh. I like taking baths. I talk to myself a lot and write conversations to myself. Haha! I draw a lot and sing, even though I suck. I love my dog. I don't like eating meat that much either. But not cause of the animals, it is just yucky, but BACON is good. I love bacon. I just remembered. HAHA! Well shit son, I dunno what else to write. Represent fool. Thug life. Stay gangSTAR. Wurd.


♥Hanging out with friends



♥Writing crazy stories
♥My Website
♥Internet stuff
♥Poking things
♥Grocery shopping
♥Jumping around
♥Kicking people and things
♥Licking and Biting

bY: SaMmA BiTcHeS!