04/26/11- After 3 years again I just found this website... I really should pay more attention so I guess time
to fix this shit.
03/05/08-Added NEW photo albums! One just my dog, cause I love him, and one
of me and friends.
03/04/08-OMG! I just barely found this site, its been like 3 years! I crack myself up! this is crazy!
but I like it!
05/22/05- New pictures in the photo album. Nothing new to the actual site. Sorry. I am runing out of
ideas of things to put but I will think of something ONE DAY you just wait!
03/08/05-New s8e pictures in the photo album and s8e page. YaY!
02/26/04-New pictures in the photo album. Changed the look of the text and such.
02/21/04-There are new pictures in the photo album. I think I am going to make like 3 different albums,
each of different pics so it's more organized instead of just a bunch of random pictures throughout the whole thing. I dunno
if I have time though, we'll just wait and see!!
02/17/04- My foot itches. Haha! WELL hmm I moved all my old website over here cause it is kinda a pain
to have 2 websites at the same time that no one goes to anyway. Hahaha! Well yes.